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Volevo scrivere di te e di me,del nostro amore.Ma all’improvviso i miei pensierili cattura il mare,il mare in un telegiornale.Un mare pieno di cuori,di...

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DAL GIARDINO DI SISSI…Sogni, pensieri e versi di un poeta sicilianoFROM SISSI'S GARDEN…Dreams, thoughts and verses of a sicilian poet

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Chi Sono

Gianni Masto

Scrittore, Sceneggiatore, ...

Gianni Masto was born on the slopes of Etna. In the Greek
Katane, Catania, at the foot of the most beautiful, most active
and most intriguing volcano in Europe. From a humble family,
from beautiful parents, Carmelo and Maria.
He is the first of three children, with a love for writing. At 18, he
moved to the capital, Rome.
He does many menial and tiring jobs. But his passion for writing does not abandon him. He found work at a publishing house
and in time became editor-in-chief at a weekly sports magazine
‘Il Corriere Laziale’, where he also edited the entertainment and
show business section.
He also writes short stories for the same publishing house with
the collaboration of his wife.
Then, one fine day, he started to collaborate with another publishing house, ‘Condor’ editions, for which he began to write
subjects and scripts for photo stories. With a record: he wrote the
world’s first colour photo novel. “Little girl who jokes with love”
He also worked for the publishing house Lancio, then a publishing giant.
It was the time when girls and maybe even boys were crazy
about photostories and the cast of actresses and actors. Not satisfied, he tried his hand as editor of the bi-monthly magazine
‘LO STRILLONE – The newspaperboy’.
He is also an advertising entrepreneur.
He also dabbles as a poet. He is published by Aletti Editore and
selected in the Scuola Autori di Mogol, alias Giulio Rapetti.
He does not hide that he loves the true God and neighbour very
much. He believes in the Bible and its contents as the true Word
of God. Who does not know the famous ‘Our Father’ prayer?

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